Sunday, November 6, 2016

250-word summary

              One of the movie posters that I chose to use was “Twelve Years a Slave”. This poster had the main character in the fore ground of the picture. By putting the main character in the front of the poster it brings more attention to him. This method is significant because the main character is a free man who was forced into slavery. This ties in with the idea of relation to power and how the poster is now given more focus to the slave in the image.
           The "Twelve Years a Slave" poster also shows many different concepts brought up in the reading. One example that was highlighted in the reading that is shown in the movie poster is the concept of showing a certain image in order to bring light to what’s going on in the image beyond just the picture. The article also talks a lot about the different aspects of gaze and how there is a male gaze and women gaze. In the movie poster “Twelve Years a Slave” I do not see or identify any attempts of using this concept. This was an extreme shock to me because many of the images that are used to lure us the public in uses this concept. The Poster does however continue the methods used by media in terms of gender and how each gender is being displayed. The article says that historically men are seen on posters as individuals in action and women are seen as objects. Although there are no females in this poster the one person in the poster who is a male is in action.